Beautiful Thing (1996)

Beautiful Thing (1996)

In a suburb of London, young Jamie is escaping sport hours, to avoid being the victim of his comrades. Young Ste, his neighbor, is beaten by his father,… Directed by Hettie Macdonald. Starring Glen Berry, Linda Henry.

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How I Got My Gash (2009)

Bullied for being gay Simon decides to run away from Reading on the same night that Debbie is holding a party to celebrate her television acting debut in a crime reconstruction where she plays a woman missing from home, who is her exact double. However,thanks to a bus strike and the influence of the gorgeous Mickey whom Simon will one day marry, he returns home in time to see Debbie punch Jackson, his chief tormentor, for impregnating Ashlene and picking on her son. How did Simon get a gash? You better watch now!

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Locked Up
Locked Up - watch online - hot!!!