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Gay short movies
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Home » Drama » AKA (2002)

Aka-CCAKA (2002)


Director: Duncan Roy
Writer: Duncan Roy
Genre: Drama
Country: UK
Language: English
Year: 2002
Duration: 123 min


Stars: Matthew Leitch, Diana Quick, George Asprey, Lindsey Coulson, Blake Ritson, Peter Youngblood Hills, Sean Gilder




aka1Jedna od čestih karakteristika većine tinejdžera je da žele da budu kao nešto što nisu pa imitriaju razne idole sa kojima se poistovjećuju. Kod gejeva je to skoro pa pravilo sa osnovnom razlikom da ta samoobmana traje mnogo duže nego kod str8 osoba. U nekim slučajevima predje u doživotnu kameleonsku izvitoperenost.


Većina psihijatara opravdanje za takvo ponašanje kod gejeva nalazi u potrebi da sakriju sopstvenu homoseksualnost,  prvo u porodici pa onda u školi, među prijateljima i na kraju na poslu među kolegama. Umotavajući se u sopstvene laži često i sami povjeruju da su nešto što nikada neće biti. Gledao sam slučajeve da sami sebe ubjede da su str8, a da je seks sa muškarcima samo avantura ili zabava. Ožene se i onda ženu posmatraju kao staromodnu prijateljicu sa kojom ne mogu razgovarati o želji da popuše dobar kurac. Nejasno je kako naprave djete, ali definitivno unesreće i sebe i porodicu.
Biti nešto što nisi može biti dobro u mašti, ali u stvarnosti takvo ponašanje ima teške poslijedice.
U ovom istinitom filmu je riječ upravo o tome. Dean još kao dijete sluša majčine priče o životu plemića i bogataša kod kojih je radila. Sticajem okolnosti upoznaje Lady Griffin kod koje se zapošljava koristeći svoju mladalačku ljepotu.  Identifikujući se sa pripadnik visoke klase upada u začarani krug laži, prevare i prostitucije.
Možda nismo uvjek u mogućnosti da ljudima oko sebe priznamo da smo homoseksualci ili nešto drugo, ali je uvjek potrebno razlikovati ono što krijemo od onoga što glumimo.
AKA is a 2002 drama film, the first by director and writer Duncan Roy. The film is set in the late 1970s in Britain and deals with the story of Dean, an 18-year-old boy who assumes another identity in order to enter high society. Dean then meets David, an older gay man who desires him and Benjamin, a young Texan hustler. It is largely an autobiographical account of Duncan Roy’s early life.
The screen consists of a row of three frames, showing three perspectives.



AKA (2002)

  • Country:

  • Runtime:123 minutes

  • Actors:
    Dean Page
    Matthew Leitch
    Lady Gryffoyn
    Diana Quick
    George Asprey
    Lindsey Coulson
    Alexander Gryffoyn
    Blake Ritson
    Peter Youngblood Hills
    Brian Page
    Geoff Bell
    Camille Sturton
    Hannah Yelland
    Jamie Page
    Daniel Lee
    Uncle Louis Gryffoyn
    Bill Nighy

  • Plot:

    AKA is the story of a disaffected youth’s search for love, status, and identity in late 1970s Britain. 18-year old Dean is handsome and bright, but feels hampered by his working-class background and by his family. In order to make something of himself, Dean assumes another identity and manages to enter high society. As he navigates this decadent new world, he meets a host of characters, including David, an older gay man who desires him, and Benjamin, a young hustler from Texas who has also managed to find a place among the aristocracy. Can Dean find love while living a lie? How much is he willing to sacrifice in order to pull off his charade? Presented through three simultaneous frames rather than one.

    Written by

  • Also known as: AKA ((original title)), Spryciarz, klamstwa podobne sa do zyczen (Poland),

  • Rating: (909 votes)

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