Home » Drama » Between the Boys (2004)

betweenboysBetween the Boys (2004)


Director: Jake Yuzna
Writer: Jake Yuzna
Genres: Short movie
Country: USA
Year: 2004
Runtime: 4 min

Stars: Rick Stahlmann, Adam Vanderveen and Thalia Drori




Za pogledati prije nego podjete na posao!
Sve lijepo počinje, zimski pejzaž, dva zgodna momka, istražuju jedan drugoga, erotska scena ispod tuša, izlazak iz kuće, bacanje po snjegu i onda paf: Žena izlazi iz kola i pita mozete li ovo unjeti u kuću momci? I oba momka skorou isto vrijeme: Yes mom..
Zar su to braća? Ili ja nisam dobro čuo?



Voyeuristically exploring a relationship between two young men, which falls into the gray area between the sexual experimentation of adolescence and the world of adult emotions, Between the Boys glimpses into one of the few remaining taboos of current times. Written by Jake Yuzna
