Home » Billy’s Hollywood Screen Kiss (1998)

Billy’s Hollywood Screen Kiss (1998)

Nema mi ništa slaÄ‘e nego maznuti nekog str8 lika. Ustvari samo takve i volim. Ove obiÄŤne pedere još ako su feminizirani i ne pogledam valjano, a kamoli da ih upoznam. Naprosto mi nisu interesantni. Al zato str8 lika , koji je ponosan na uspjehe kod Ĺľena….e to mi je poslastica kao kad maÄŤoru daš slaninu. Nekako su mi se i veze zasnivale upravo na tome. Jer obiÄŤno nakon noći provedene u mom krevetu polude, zaljube se.
A i meni prija njihova paĹľnja pa se upecam. Tako vam je to, kada vas lovina ulovi pa postanete plijen.
U ovom filmu jedan maldi zgodnjikavi fotograf se zaljubi u jednog konobara koji kasnije postane fotomodel.
Konobar naravno str8, ima curu, pa misli da je dobra pička sve u životu. A ovaj jadničak fotograf ga zamišlja u nekakvim filmovima, sanja o njemu. Svo vrijeme u zraku provejava nekakva napetost medju njima.
Al neću vam sve ispričati. Film nije neko vrhunsko remek dijelo, ali mi je prijao nakon napornog dana. Onako slatko sam se nasmijao i brzo mi je prošlo vrijeme. Prijalo mi je da gledam kako se nabacuju jedan drugom onako polunagi, lijepi i zgodni. Mada mi se kraj nije dopao nešto posebno. Drugačije bih ja to izrežirao, da bar malo liči na mene.

Director:Tommy O’Haver
Writer: Tommy O’Haver (writer)
Release Date:24 July 1998 (USA
Genre: Comedy | Romance
Plot Keywords: Drugs | Homosexual | Sex | Twenty Something | Gay Kiss more
Awards: 2 wins & 2 nominations

(Credited cast)

Sean Hayes … Billy Collier (as Sean P. Hayes)
Brad Rowe … Gabriel
Richard Ganoung … Perry
Meredith Scott Lynn … Georgiana
Matthew Ashford … Whitey
Armando Valdes-Kennedy … Fernando
Paul Bartel … Rex Webster
Carmine Giovinazzo … Gundy (as Carmine D. Giovinazzo)
Holly Woodlawn … Holly
rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Mark Allen Anderson … Peter
Bonnie Biehl … Connie Rogers
Chad Boardman … Drag Chorus
Les Borsay … Les
Christopher Bradley … Andrew
Robbie Cain … Joshua
Kim Campoli … Natalie
Rodney Chester … DRag Chorus
Mark Conley … Raymond
Eric Davenport … Drag Chorus
Kimiko Gelman … Donna
Annabelle Gurwitch … Gallery Owner
Niles Jenson … Diedre
Michelle Karen … Billy’s mom
Mr. Dan … Drag Queen
Shawn Nicholson … Young Billy
Shanti Reinhardt … Ju-Ju, the performance artist
Kiff Scholl … Rio, the performance artist
Jason-Shane Scott … Brad
Jamie Spencer … Kent Bartlett
Aaron Wilde … Chris Jungblut

Runtime: 92 min | UK:89 min (video)

Author: budmassey ([email protected]) from Indianapolis, IN

This is another one of those “discovered by accident while channel surfing” movies that I am always grateful to have found. Before the movie was over, I was online buying the DVD. O’Haver must have summoned all his Indy Film clout to muster the likes of Paul Ganoung, Meredith Scott Lynn and the fabulous Paul Bartel to lend their talents both on and off the camera, but the coup of coups was casting Sean Hayes.

Hayes is superb as Billy, a struggling gay photographer yearning for love. He falls for Gabriel (Brad Rowe) who may or may not be gay. The rest of the film dances around the inevitable question and let’s just say that things have a way of working out for the best, albeit differently from what we often expect.

Actor, writer, director and absolute gay icon Paul Bartel, who unfortunately passed away a couple of years after Screen Kiss, is deliciously unctuous as a would be mentor. Brad Rowe is passable, if a little lightweight, and benefits immeasurably from his co-star. Sean Hayes, even before the runaway success of Will and Grace, demonstrates the comedic genius that steals almost every scene. Spliced throughout the movie are several numbers by Mr. Dan, a notable drag artist and promoter from L.A., and as Petula Clark he helps generate the sheer joy of watching this movie.

If you remember Lou Reed’s classic “Take a Walk on the Wild Side” you may enjoy watching Holly Woodlawn (“Holly came from Miami F-L-A” – yes THAT Holly) as the party hostess.

The DVD commentary is worthwhile, and offers an inside view of the resourcefulness it takes to make a good indie film. It does not detract from the importance of BHSK that it is not an original film. O’Haver had been toying with the basic story idea since his earlier Catalina, but in BHSK the story is more fully developed and humorous. Touching, moving, gentle and risquĂ©, an uplifting and life-affirming message wrapped in a carnival of Angelean queer decadence.

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