Encontrando Juntos (2021)

Encontrando Juntos – Finding Together (2021) – a gay film by Luis Fernando Midence

“Finding Together” tells the love story between Eddie and Byron, a couple that begins their relationship prior to COVID-19 and are forced to navigate the complications that the pandemic puts in their way: distance, work, and having to live together without knowing if their courtship will work. Part of the LGBTI-themed short film series #HistoriasDiversas.
Director: Luis Fernando Midence

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Te Toca

Te Toca (2019) by Luis Fernando Midence

“Your Turn” recounts Santiago’s internal conflict in wanting to reveal something personal to his best friends and discovers that they themselves carry a lot of discrimination towards people with HIV. Between being able to accept his diagnosis and seek the acceptance of people around him, Santiago will challenge the prejudices of his friends and the audience. Part of the series of LGBTI themed short films #DiverseStories

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José (2018)

José (2018) – Trailer

José lives with his mother in Guatemala. It’s a tough life in one of the most violent and religious countries. When he meets Luis, he’s thrust into new-found passion and pain.
Director: Li Cheng

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First-True-Last (2017) gay film by Luis Fernando Midence

First-True-Last (2017) gay film by Luis Fernando Midence

“First-True-Last” is a Guatemalan short film about three relationships between men happening simultaneously in a country without any rights for LGBTI individuals. “First” tells the story of two teenage boys who don’t fit in their school and randomly meet at a birthday party. “True” is a comedy of errors, when Alejandro decides to attend the wedding of his ex-boyfriend and discovers that his future husband has a secret. “Last” is the tragic story of a seven-year long closeted relationship when individuals are not honest with each other and their families.
Director: Luis Fernando Midence

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