“Chords” (2020) is a short film directed and written by Antonio de la Torre. The film follows the story of Bernardo, an elderly Art History teacher who has recently retired and is mourning the loss of his wife, Cecilia. His life takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Vรญctor, a piano player who was a significant part of Bernardo’s past. The two haven’t seen each other in almost 40 years, suggesting a deep and possibly romantic connection that resurfaces as they reunite. The film explores themes of love, memory, and the passage of time within its 20-minute runtime.
“Acordes” (Chords) is a deeply moving short film that tackles the poignant themes of hidden loves and lost opportunities. Directed by Antonio de la Torre and featuring stellar performances by Humberto Fuentes as Vรญctor and Jesรบs Hernรกndez as Bernardo, the film captures the heartache and longing of its characters with sensitivity and grace.
An emotional short film by Antonio de la Torre that reunites two former lovers after four decades apart.
The narrative is expertly crafted, exploring the complexities of love and identity within older LGBT communities. Bernardo’s unexpected encounter with Vรญctor after 40 years reignites a passion and nostalgia for what could have been, prompting reflection on the sacrifices made and the paths not taken. Jesรบs Hernรกndez delivers a powerful performance, portraying Bernardo’s internal struggle and emotional depth with nuance and subtlety.
“Acordes” also serves as a powerful advocacy piece, highlighting the challenges faced by older LGBT individuals who have lived their lives in hiding, unable to express their true selves due to societal stigma and fear. The film calls for empathy and understanding, urging viewers to challenge discriminatory attitudes and support visibility for all marginalized communities.
Through its touching story and heartfelt performances, “Chords” celebrates the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit. It invites audiences to consider the consequences of discrimination and the importance of embracing one’s true identity, regardless of age. The film leaves a lasting impression and serves as a call to action for a more inclusive and compassionate world.