“Debut”, a short film directed by Dalibor Mataniฤ and proudly financed by the European Union, goes beyond the realm of mere storytelling. Set against the backdrop of the Croatian countryside, the film follows Ivan, a young farmer with dreams of becoming a soccer star, revealing a universal story of self-discovery and acceptance.
The story takes an unexpected turn as Ivan struggles with his feelings for his teammate, adding an emotional layer to the story. This discovery takes on new meaning when viewed through the lens of the film’s primary purpose: to send a resounding message to the European Union and the world that every individual within its borders has the innate right to live without discrimination.
The directorial skill of Dalibor Mataniฤ captures the beauty of Croatian landscapes, turning them into a canvas that reflects diverse human experience. Kristian Bonacic’s portrayal of Ivan takes on added depth as he embodies the struggles faced by those facing discrimination.
“Debut” ends with a strong statement, emphasizing the film’s raison d’รชtre: “In the European Union, you have the right to live without discrimination.” This sentence serves as a clarion call, reflecting the EU’s commitment to fostering a society where diversity is celebrated and discrimination has no place.
The film thus appears not only as a work of art, but also as a deliberate effort to advocate equal rights. It is positioned as a cinematic manifesto, sending a strong and unequivocal message to the EU and its audience that discrimination must not be tolerated. With its compelling narrative and deliberate messaging, “Debut” is proof of the EU’s commitment to building a world where everyone can live freely, without fear of bias or prejudice.