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Gay short movies
Kananete (2007): The Infidel - Gay Short Film by Rosswil Hilario

Kananete (2007): The Infidel – Gay Short Film by Rosswil Hilario

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Sacrament (2022): A Gay Short Film Exploring Love, Faith, and Family Traditions

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Brotherly Lies (2022): A Web of Secrets, Trauma, and Unspoken Desires

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Home » Comedy » Elliot Loves (2012)

Elliot Loves (2012)

Director: Terracino
Writer: Terracino
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2012
Duration: 92 min


Stars: Elena Goode, Robin de Jesus, Erin Fogel, Jermaine Montell, Guillermo Iván, Will Bethencourt, Joshua Cruz, Fabio Costaprado, Monte Bezell, Rafael Sardina





Slatka, slojevita filmska priča o mladom Dominikancu Eliotu, njegovom odrastanju sa majkom koja bezuspješno pokušava da nađe ljubav svog života i kako se to kasnije odražava na Eliotovu potrebu da nađe srodnu dušu.
Eliot svoje avanture upoređuje sa majčinom bespoldnom potragom za čovjekom svojih snova koja ga je često ugrožavala dovodeći lijene pa čak i uvrijedljive ljude u njihov dom.

Film je na momente komičan, naspram tragičnih scena iz Eliotovog djetinjstva pa to malo ruši kontinuitet u gledanju jer se teško emocionalno prebacivati iz jedne priče u drugu, ali u svakom slučaju ordžaće vam pažnju do samog kraja.
Eliot vidjevši kako majčini snovi ne vode nigdje pokušava da definiše sebe na potpuno drugačiji način i da nadje nekoga sa kim če podjeliti slične poglede na zajednički život.
Pri tome upada u razna razočarenja, nailazeći na čovjeka pored kojeg se probudi u društvu njegovog dečka ili na gogo 25-godišnjeg momka koji je jako mlad za zaljubljivanje i slično.
Vjerujem da će mnoge gejovce podsjetiti na njihove proživljene avanture u potrazi za nečim što se definitivno ne traži po internetu ili klubovima sa dark room, dark drink i dark seks provodom.

Mene je podsjetio na jednog momka iz Beograda. Upoznao sam ga u porno bioskopu "PARTIZAN". znate već to je jedan od onih prljavih i mračnih mjesta gje u muklom mraku, tobože gledajući pornić, drkate kurac u društvu silueta oko vas. Bilo je tu i seksa kao u današnjim Dark room prostorijama, ali uglavnom se sve završavalo samo na drkanju.
Nakon jednog takvog pražnjenja jaja izađem na svjetlost dana i krenem prema gradu. Momak sa kojim sa drkao kurac u bioskopu mi priđe i predstavi se. Predložim da odemo na piće i tako se upoznamo.
Viđali smo se narednih 5-6 dana svakodnevno, izlažeči po klubovima, pivnicama, picerijama ili naprosto šetajuči gradom i povremeno se jebali u javnim WC-ima, parkovima ili bi naprosto ušli u neku zgradu ili prolaz, spustili se u podrum i tu se kresnuli ostavljajući iza sebe pune kondome.
Nakon nekoliko dana on mi predloži da odemo kod nekog njegovog prijatelja i tamo se pojebemo zajedno sa njim. Odemo tamo , lik onako mršav i neurotičan ponudi nas kafom. Posmatrao sam njih dvojicu kako izvitopereno pričaju i shvatih da ja ovog momka sa kojim sam provodio vrijeme uopšte ne poznajem, a i dio koji sam mislio da poznajem je bio potpuno pogrešan.
Osjetivši se kao slon u staklarskoj radnji izvinim se i odem iz tog stana.
Naprosto kad se jebeš s kurcem, a ne sa čovjekom, ne traži ljubav ili srodnu dušu.



Elliot Loves explores the turbulent love life of Elliot throughout two pivotal parts of his life, as an inquisitive 10-year-old dealing with his loving yet seemingly unhappy mother and as a naive 21-year-old looking for love in all the wrong places in New York.
The initial concept of the film intrigued me I must admit, especially as I was wondering how they would mirror the two separate parts of his life. The way it was executed by cutting segments into what appeared to be chapters and by mirroring similar and important parts of his life as a child and young adult were done effectively and allow the audience to see how the character was the way he is.
The character of Elliot himself is a very intriguing one, as we have all either been in his position or know a friend that has been there. By this I mean an extremely naive young person looking for love in all the wrong places before they finally realise you don’t find love, love finds you.
The film is funny in parts, and bittersweet and sad in others, but the scenes in the past have to be given credit as the better parts of the film. This is mainly due to the acting from Quentin Araujo as the young Elliot and Elena Goode as his mother, as they make you laugh and feel sympathy for the characters. These are without a doubt the stand out performances of the film.
Other good points of the film include the way it was shot, as it is softly focused and looks romantic in many key parts. The music also adds to the emotions of the film. One of my personal favourite parts is the animation scene, which allows them to do things they wouldn’t have otherwise been able to and it breaks the film up a bit.
However it isn’t all good, and unfortunately the bad definitely outweighs them. At the very beginning of the film I initially thought, “What the hell is this?” as it starts off a bit hammy. Even though it gets better, the present day scenes always fall into the hammy, trying too hard to be funny category, and as we all know, when you try too hard it just isn’t funny. Much of the dialogue and scenes could have been cut or shortened, as a few parts feel like they’ve been on for around 20 minutes, despite actually only being on for about five.
One major problem I had with the film is how it tries to flit between being a comedy and being a tragedy. This almost made me lose focus and interest many times. If they had made it a complete tragedy about someone looking for love and failing, or made it a comedic take on this the entire way through the film, it would have worked a lot better.
Overall Verdict: The film is ok in parts but the bad just outweighs the good. If it had been executed a little better and stuck to one theme then it would have worked a lot better.
Reviewer: Lewis Shepherd
