Home » Drama » Flatmates (2007)

Flatmates (2007)
Kompisar (original title)

21 min|Short, Drama|01 Feb 2007
6.7Rating: 6.7 / 10 from 151 usersMetascore: N/A
Two friends, Björn and Hampus, decide to move in together. If one ignores the fact that the two men are completely different, theirs is a close relationship. Being in love with your best friend and, in spite of this, or because of it, arguing to the point where it becomes unbearable.

Two best male friends decide to share a flat and we see their relationship slowly disintegrate as they both act differently upon their expectations of this relationship. External factors only add to the difficulties. This all culminates in an event that they are unable to overcome.This is one of my favorite short films. If you are looking for fast action or gay clichés, script read lines or fancy visuals you might as well skip this one. This one comes with a naturalistic pace, some boredom and authentic characters with their good and bad habits. I think both main actors do an outstanding job at portraying the two friends and their struggling friendship within the space of a small suburban flat. A true gem.

Na YouTube se može naći  mnogo kratkih filmova ima na temu str8-gay odnosa. Valjda zato što su obično takvi odnosi nabijeni emocijama, ponekad teških i nepodnošljivih, a ponekad lijepih.
Ovaj film me podsjetio na cimera sa fakulteta koji mi se često naveče zavlačio u krevet, zagrlio bi me i tako spavao. Da ne bude zabune moj cimer je potpuno str8 i nikada nismo imali nekih seksualnih kontakata. Naprosto volio me je na neki njemu svojstven način i to zaista nema nikakve veze sa seksualnom orjentacijom.
Mnogi pederi to ne razumiju pa misle da je to eto kao neko muvanje. Nije muvanje kad vam dobar prijatelj kaže da vas voli. Nije svaka ljubav homoseksualna.