“Greek School Prayer” is a 2014 film that follows the story of a junior school student named Dimitris who is terrorized by a group of bullies led by Vasilis. The film explores the themes of identity, violence, and the limits that individuals are willing to push. The climax of the film takes place when Dimitris must say the morning prayer in front of the whole school and Vasilis.
Director Biography – Thanasis Neofotistos
Thanasis Neofotistos was born and raised in Athens. He initially studied Architecture in D.U.Th and afterwards continued by studying Film Directing and just recently obtained his Bachelor in Q.M.U (AMC) Film Directing. One of his characteristic assets, Scenography, is an influence from both his studies. His first short film that was distinguished is โTHE SUN AND THE WINDโ, created for the needs of his studies. โPROSEFHI: Greek School Prayerโ, was his dissertation and certainly the most personal film to date. PROSEFHI has already been selected by several important international film festivals (21st Encounters ISFF, 26th Sao Paulo ISFF, 23rd Raindance IFF). In Greece it won the 1st prize (Golden Dionysus Award) at the 37th Drama ISFF, as well as other significant distinctions (Best Sound, Nomination at the Greek Film Academy Awards 2015). His latest short is a documentary called โPOGONISKOSโ and won the Best Documentary Award at the 38th Drama ISFF and 21st Athens IFF 2015.