Elias, a young high school teacher has just discovered he is hiv positive. This is shortly after beginning a relationship with Pedro, a colleague. He hides his secret because of the fear of rejection.
2005, 35mm,Pal
Directed by Alvaro Pastor
Script by Alvaro Pastor & Antonio Naharro
Cast: Antonio Naharro, Andrés Waksman, Emilio Linder, Ignacio Medina.
Production: A Pastor & A Naharro.
Executive Producer: Alvaro Pastor
Awards (Selected):
World of Shorts Toronto International Short Film Festival: Audience Award & Jury Honourable Mention for Best Live Action Short Film
Kracow International Shot & Documentary Film Festival: Audience Award
Malaga Spanish Cinema Film Festival: Best Short Film
SGAE Versión Española: 2nd Prize
Luis Buñuel Award for Best Director of the year in a short film
European Shortfilm Biennal Ludwisburg-Stuttgart: Best Screenplay
Brussels International Short Film Festival: Best Actor (Antonio Naharro)
Alcalá de Henares Short Film Festival: Madrid County Award for the Best Film, Best Actor (Antonio Naharro)
Brest International Short Film Festival: Best Actor (Antonio Naharro)