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Gay short movies
Pillow Chocolate (2023) - A Short Film by Charlie Tidmas

Pillow Chocolate (2023) – A Short Film by Charlie Tidmas

A powerful exploration of hidden love, self-worth, and the struggles faced by a trans man in a secretive relationship. Director/Writer: ...
Second Thought (2024) – A Provocative Dive Into Grindr Hookup Culture

Second Thought (2024) – A Provocative Dive Into Grindr Hookup Culture

The film explores the nuances of modern gay dating and highlights the diverse experiences within our community ...
Harvest (S1ngular) (2022): A Retro-Psycho Thriller Set in a 1960s Alternate Universe

Harvest (S1ngular) (2022): A Retro-Psycho Thriller Set in a 1960s Alternate Universe

Two men raise somebody else's baby in deep isolation until one of them decides to escape with "it". Harvest is ...
Fairlane (2023) - a gay short film by  Luca Leggieri

Fairlane (2023) – a gay short film by Luca Leggieri

New in town, Brandon starts working at an auto shop to support his single mother where he's trained by an ...
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Home » Short film » Kali Ma (2007)

Kali Ma (2007)

14 min|Short, Thriller|25 May 2007
5.4Rating: 5.4 / 10 from 370 usersMetascore: N/A
When an Indian mother finds out her son is the victim of a vicious bully, she delivers her own brand of vigilante justice.




kalima3Jeste li se kada susretali sa majkama svojih ljubavnika? Mislim na okolnosti da majka zna da ste obadvojica pederi. Meni se desilo da me moj tadašnji ljubavnik upozna sa svojom majkom u stilu : Mama, ovo je moj dečko! Ja propadoh u zemlju, da sam mogao nestao bih sa mjesta zločina odmah.
A majka me lijepo uhvati pod ruku i reče: Idemo u pozorište. Usput mi je rekla kako joj je drago da joj je sin našao nekog našeg čovijeka, a ne nekog belosvjetskog probisveta! To se zove super mama! Žena ima srca i za sina i za sebe!

Ova kratka priča me je jutros slatko nasmijala. Poluđela majka ide da brani sina pedera. Nakon što joj londonski mangup isprebija sina, mama se baci u osvetničku akciju!

When an Indian mother finds out her son is the victim of a vicious bully, she delivers her own brand of vigilante justice. Part electric action thriller, part exhilarating comedy, KALI MA finds the secrets that divide mothers and sons and the love that brings them together.

Locked Up
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