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Leather (2015)

22 min|Short, Drama|10 Nov 2015
4.4Rating: 4.4 / 10 from 17 usersMetascore: 5.0
Josemi, an executive of around thirty, submissive, insecure and cowardly nature that is trapped between an overbearing mother and a competitive work environment and voracious where there is only room for the “leaders”, but a chance encounter one night gets its hands something that will encourage you to enter a gay leather fetish club and change the course of his life.

LEATHER is a comedy that portrays the life of our protagonist, Josemi (played by actor César Rosado), an executive of around thirty, submissive, insecure and cowardly nature that is trapped between an overbearing mother and a competitive work environment and voracious where there is only room for the “leaders”, but a chance encounter one night gets its hands something that will encourage you to enter a gay leather fetish club and change the course of his life.

I Congreso Nacional: “Orgullo y Prejuicios: El LGTB en el audiovisual” Facultad CC. Información U.C.M.
10o Festival de Cortometrajes “Corto y Cambio” (Móstoles, MADRID)
18o Festival de Cine Gay y Lésbico de EXTREMADURA (Fancinegay)
13o Festival Internacional de Cine LGTB de ECUADOR (El lugar sin límites)
11o Festival Internacional de Cine LGTB de ANDALUCÍA (Andalesgai)
Finalista en el Festival de Cortometrajes “Cortos con N” (MADRID)

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