In ‘Lines (2019),’ director Kyle Jumayne Francisco crafts a compelling storyline that unfolds delicately, revealing the complexities of a father-son relationship. With Jal Galang and Menggie Cobarrubias at the helm, the narrative weaves through grief, silence, and acceptance, offering a poignant exploration of life’s challenges and the strength found in connection.
In a touching exploration of familial love and acceptance, “Lines” stands out as a powerful cinematic experience. The film’s brilliance lies in its ability to convey profound emotions within its brief nine-minute runtime. The restrained yet powerful performances by Jal Galang and Menggie Cobarrubias elevate the narrative, with Galang’s portrayal of Andrei’s vulnerability and Cobarrubias’ portrayal of a supportive father resonating deeply.
Director Kyle Jumayne Francisco’s decision to address the cultural reluctance to discuss sensitive topics adds a layer of authenticity to the film. The revelation of Andrei’s HIV-positive status becomes a focal point, challenging societal norms. The most powerful statement in the film is the father’s neutral and supportive response, offering comfort through the universal act of sharing a meal and promising to stand by Andrei through his journey for a second opinion.
“Lines” succeeds in conveying its message through impactful moments, relying on silence and actions. It serves as a tearjerker that prompts reflection on compassion, understanding, and the evolving dynamics of fatherhood. This short film not only raises awareness about HIV but also presents a refreshing and nuanced perspective on familial relationships.
Lines (2019) – Gay short film, Drama, 8 min, Philippines, directed by Kyle Jumayne Francisco, with Jal Galang, Menggie Cobarrubias