Rak haeng Siam (2007) aka The Love Of Siam
Director: Chukiat Sakveerakul
Scenario: Chukiat Sakveerakul
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: Thailand
Year: 2007
Duration: 150 min | Thailand:154 min | Thailand:178 min (Director’s cut)
Rating: 8.1/10
Subtitle : English
Actors: Sinjai Plengpanit, Songsit Roongnophakunsri, Pimpan Buranapim, Laila Boonyasak, Jirayu La-ongmanee, Artit Niyomkul, Kanya Rattapetch, Aticha Pongsilpipat, Mario Maurer, Witwisit Hiranyawongkul, Pongnarin Ulice, Jarunee Boonsake, Nattapong Arunnate, Taveesak Pehtpraneenukul, Atirat Praseartburanakul
Description:Jeste li kada bili na Thailandu? Ako jeste primjetili ste da su svi ljudi nasmijani, na samo iz kurtoazije nego stvarno, iskreno nasmijani. Bez obzira u kakvim uslovima žive i čime se bave, uvjek će te vidjeti osmjeh na licu ! Ne znam zašto je to tako, možda zbog religije ili fantastične prirode, bog ima je podario da žive u zaista impresivnom okruženju. Priroda se pobrinula da Thailand izgleda kao raj na zemlji.U takvom okruženju zaista je teško biti ne nasmijan!

I pored svega toga tradicija je jaka na Thailandu. Tajlanđani imaju izgrađen sebi svojstven pogled na svjet i odnose medju ljudima i mišljenja su da je ljubav najjača pokretačka snaga čovjeka. I prema svemu što ih okružuje pružaju srce i ljubav!
Teško mi je to objasniti nekom ko nije bio tamo, ali na Thailandu je nezamislivo naići na ulicu u kojoj nema cvijeća i bilja prema kojemu se ljudi odnose kao najrođenijem biću!
Ovaj film je po mom ukusu predugačka romansa dvojice tinejdžera koji su svoju prvu ljubav podjelili jedan sa drugim! Lijepo osmišljena, romantična muzika i nekako nedorečen kraj! Ako baš imate slobodno 2,30 sata vremena i volite romantične priče pogledajte ovaj film!
Film je više po mjeri istoÄŤnjaÄŤkih tinejdĹľera, jer se neki elementi filma ne mogu uklopiti u zapadnjaÄŤki naÄŤin razmišljanja. Na primjer, potpuno je nerazumljivo da Ĺľena dovede djevojku u kuću i predstavi je svom od alkohola izgubljenom muĹľu kao njihovu davno nestalu ćerku. Ili naÄŤin na koji tinejdĹľeri “prihvataju” homoseksualnost. Naprosto kaĹľu šteta, ali to je tako i tu se ništa ne moĹľe. Nema dalje osude i proganjanja toga.
Karakteristično za Istočnjačke narode. Svidjelo im se nešto ili ne, to naprosto prihvataju kao činjenicu bogom datu! I nema tu šta da se komenrtariše.
Osim naravno kada se radi o njihovim najbliĹľima, treba im podosta vremena da se uvjere da neke stvari ne mogu promjeniti!

After a 20-minute prologue introducing prepubescent versions of its youthful protags, yarn moves to present-day Bangkok, where teenage Mew (Witwisit Hiranyawongkul) is lead singer and songwriter for a Thai boyband called August. On the cusp of great success, Mew re-encounters long-lost buddy Tong (Mario Maurer).
While both are having difficulty relating to their adoring girlfriends (or g.f. wannabes), both lads inwardly have no doubt about their feelings for each other. Much of pic’s success in Thailand was attributed to its gay theme, and the working out of true love between the two boys, despite societal and familial pressures, takes up a substantial amount of the running time.
Given equal emphasis, however, is the long-ago disappearance of Tong’s older sister Tang (Chemarn Boonyasak), depicted in the pic’s prologue, and its devastating toll on Tong’s family, especially his now-alcoholic father Korn (Songsit Roongnophakunsri). Compounding the family’s collective grief are Korn’s periodic, booze-inspired delusions about his daughter’s imminent return home.
While attending one of August’s recording sessions, Tong meets the band’s personal assistant June (also Chemarn Boonyasak). Since June is a dead ringer for his missing sister, Tong decides to hire her to impersonate his deceased sister and soothe his drunken father’s troubled soul. Western auds will have some trouble accepting that mom goes for the plan (in a comedy, maybe), and the narrative briefly flirts with the idea that supernatural elements may be at work before adhering strictly to meller conventions.
Writer-helmer Matthew Chookiat Sakveerakul (“13 Beloved”) also co-edited and even composed some of the boy-band songs, so his emotional engagement with the material is unquestionable. However, his passion transcends his directing ability, and pic could benefit from a trim for Western auds. Perfs, particularly by youthful amateur thesps, could have used a firmer hand.
Art direction is pro, but the sound is unfortunately reminiscent of the unfiltered recording style favored by Southeast’s Asia’s digital revolution. In contrast, the songs are mixed par excellence.
Title refers to the fact that much of pic’s teen-romance action transpires around the Siam Square shopping district of contempo Bangkok.