“Spa Night” is a 2016 American independent drama film written and directed by Andrew Ahn. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 23, 2016, and later released in select theaters on August 19, 2016. The film is set in Los Angeles and follows the story of a closeted Korean-American teenager who takes a job at a Korean spa to help his struggling family and discovers an underground world of gay sex at the spa that both scares and excites him. The film explores themes of identity, sexuality, and family, and deals with the tension between the character’s traditional Korean values and the more liberal and accepting world of the spa. The film received positive reviews for its performances, particularly for its lead actor, Joe Seo, and for its sensitive handling of its themes.
The main actors in Spa Night (2016) are Joe Seo as David Cho, Haerry Kim as Jin Cho, Youn Ho Cho as Mr. Cho, and Tae Song as Kevin. Joe Seo plays the lead role of David, a closeted Korean-American teenager who takes a job at a Korean spa and discovers an underground world of gay sex. Haerry Kim plays David’s father, Jin, and Youn Ho Cho plays David’s grandfather, Mr. Cho. Tae Song plays Kevin, one of the older spa patrons who takes an interest in David.
2015: Sundance Film Festival: U.S. Dramatic Competition
2016: Independent Spirit Awards: John Cassavetes Award