Struggle is the story of Darren, a young gay man, who arrives in Toronto seeking a new life. Running out of money, and with nowhere to live, he quickly falls in with a group of gay rent boys. Complicating matters for himself, he falls in love with Steve, one of the group. Steve already has a boyfriend. While desperately trying to avoid becoming a prostitute himself, Darren’s loneliness and infatuation with Steve eventually sets him on a downward spiral with tragic circumstances.
Struggle (2010)
Nous Sommes Deux (original title)
Director: Bruce Locke
Writer: Bruce Locke
County: Canada
Language: English
Gernre: Drama, Romance
Duration: 94 min
Year: 2010
Stars: Peter Buzny, Jason Farro, Jamie Potts, Matt Sims, Terri Stevens
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I found this to be an enjoyable film to watch, that at times had me smile and other times crying. Maybe its because I used to have a similar lifestyle and could empathise with the characters. I enjoyed the way the story unfolded and the interjection of the Super 8 home movie films that have been spliced into the film. I liked the gritty acting of the main characters who made the film for me, although don’t expect Hollywood A class. But it was this acting that made the film for me, no pretentiousness at all. It also gives an insight into the more seedier side of the city – which realistically could be any major city in the world.