“The Lost Language of Cranes” is a film adaptation of David Leavitt’s novel that explores the intricacies of familial relationships and the challenges of coming out in the context of the ’80s and ’90s. Set in London, the story revolves around an intellectual middle-class family – a mother who is a book editor, a father who is a university teacher, and a son, possibly a writer.
The narrative takes a unique approach by contrasting the son’s open acknowledgment of his sexuality with the father’s closeted gay life, marked by furtive visits to porno theaters. The film delves into the complex emotions of the characters, particularly the mother’s outrage, providing a realistic portrayal of the impact of the son’s revelation on the family dynamics.
The title, “The Lost Language of Cranes,” may be metaphorical, hinting at the unspoken aspects of relationships and the challenges of communication, especially in the context of sexuality. While the title may not directly relate to the plot, it adds a layer of complexity and metaphorical depth.
The film serves as a snapshot of a specific time in history, reflecting the struggles faced by individuals dealing with their sexuality against the backdrop of societal expectations. The exploration of generational differences and societal shifts during this period adds depth to the narrative.
Despite the lack of mystery in the traditional sense, the film engages viewers through its exploration of human relationships, societal norms, and the evolving understanding of sexuality. While it may not align with contemporary narratives, “The Lost Language of Cranes” remains relevant for those who experienced the ’80s and ’90s, offering a poignant reflection on the challenges and progress in acceptance over the years.