Home » Drama » The Revival (2017) by Jennifer Gerber

A secret love affair between a southern Baptist preacher and a young drifter challenges the equilibrium of a growing church.

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The Revival

The Revival (2017)

85 min|Drama, Romance|08 Jul 2017
5.1Rating: 5.1 / 10 from 167 usersMetascore: N/A
A secret love affair between a southern Baptist preacher and a young drifter challenges the equilibrium of a growing church.


12 March 2018 | by carmellacass – imdb
I saw this at Inside/Out the Toronto LGBT festival. Everyone was blown away by the acting and directing. This movie broke my heart and made me think. Ultimately it is about oppression in religious communities in the southern US. With the current US President and VP this movie needs to be seen immediately. It takes a stand against bigotry and hypocrisy. Watch this movie for yourself and decide what it’s about.

The Revival (2017)


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