Lucas, a young man from Santiago, visits his sister in a small Chilean town while preparing for a move to Montreal for a graduate program in architecture. During his stay, he meets Antonio, a fisherman who works in the local sardine trade. The two men develop a deep connection, and their relationship becomes a journey of self-discovery and intimacy.
Antonio, rooted in the traditions of his coastal town, dreams of building a boat and continuing his life as a fisherman. He carries emotional baggage, including the loss of his father, who died at sea. Lucas, in contrast, represents a more transient, ambitious lifestyle, preparing to leave for an uncertain but promising future abroad.
As their romance blossoms, the men face the tension between their growing love and the differing paths their lives are taking. Lucas struggles with the decision to leave Chile, while Antonio confronts societal prejudice and his own fears of abandonment. The story juxtaposes the freedom and closeness they find together with the constraints of tradition, family, and duty.
In the end, their relationship is a fleeting yet transformative experience for both. While they share moments of passion and connection, the inevitability of Lucas’s departure looms large. The film closes with a bittersweet acknowledgment of the impermanence of their love and the enduring impact they have on each other’s lives.
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