‘Beneath the Skin’ is a British drama film released in 2015, directed by Aaron Ellis and starring Aaron Ellis, Lilly Driscoll, and Lewis Saunderson. The film tells the story of Jamie, a young man struggling with his sexuality and the pressure to conform to societal norms. When he meets Ben, a confident and charismatic man, Jamie is drawn to him and they begin a relationship. However, as their relationship deepens, Jamie’s insecurities and self-doubt begin to threaten their happiness.
The film explores themes of identity, acceptance, and self-discovery, as well as the challenges faced by those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. It received positive reviews for its sensitive portrayal of its characters and their struggles, as well as its honest and nuanced exploration of complex themes.
The story follows a British student who is sent to Canada after his mother passes away, where he meets an aspiring American artist who has fled from his violent parents in Alabama. The two form a connection and find solace in each other’s company on the picturesque Canadian island. However, their growing relationship is threatened by a pair of high school bullies who become increasingly intrusive. The film is built on the artistic foundations of the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, which is known for its vibrant arts scene.
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