Lily in the Grinder (2014)

Lily in the Grinder (2014)

Director: Michael Morgenstern
Ryan struggles to find meaning in his provisional existence, exploring sex and death and the idea of ‘becoming something.’ This surreal film, enveloped in a classical string quartet piece, is a rumination on death, time, and the nature of existence. It posits the idea of a human life as a static, four-dimensional entity that exists at a specific moment in time and cannot be said to truly begin or end.

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Shabbat Dinner (2012)

Shabbat Dinner (2012)

William doesn’t know he’s gay until he meets Virgo at a family dinner. The two teens attempt to discover who they really are, while their oblivious parents chatter about fundraisers and dairy-free ice cream.
Director: Michael Morgenstern

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