“Harvest (S1ngular)” (2022) is a short film directed by Ramón J. Goñi, set in a retro-psycho thriller universe from the 1960s, but with a twist—the presence of today’s cutting-edge technology is woven into the narrative as if it were part of the past. This alternate universe creates a tension-filled backdrop for the story of two men raising someone else’s baby in extreme isolation. The plot centers on the dilemma that arises when one of the men decides to escape with the child, unraveling deeper themes of identity, control, and human connection.
The film dives into complex psychological territory, particularly how we engage with technology. It touches on the darker aspects of how people can lose themselves, or even become narcissistically consumed, by their creations. One of the central themes is a scientist’s attempt to recreate a companion in the likeness of a lover he’s growing apart from—an imperfect replication of love and the past.
“Harvest (S1ngular)” has garnered attention at film festivals, winning awards such as Best Experimental Short at the Hollywood Shorts Fest, Founder’s Choice at the LA Fashion Film Festival, Best Cinematography at the SENE Film Fest, and Best Sound Design at the New York Indie Shorts. It was part of the official selection at over ten international film festivals, and the film serves as a proof of concept for a feature-length project currently in development.
With its unique blend of sci-fi, thriller, and psychological drama, “Harvest (S1ngular)” stands out as an exploration of how human relationships and technology intertwine, posing deep questions about the nature of identity, love, and the future of human evolution.