“The Goodbye” is a 12-minute short drama film released on December 13, 2018. The film centers around a young man who discovers that he has only six months left to live and must confront this reality. It was directed and written by George Velez Junior, and it was produced in the United Kingdom.
Official Selection in 15 Film Festivals around the world. Multi-Award winning film, including Best Foreign Short Film, Best Short Film, Best Cinematography and Jury Winner.
Young Joe is experiencing the ultimate emotional crash when he learns that he only has six months left to live. The new state of affairs causes him to find a way to cope with reality.
Shaun Mendum’s performance in the film is praised for delivering precise lines and engaging dialogue, which adds depth to the character’s experiences. The overall execution of the film appears to be decent, with well-performed scenes and a thoughtful exploration of the protagonist’s journey.