Home » Drama » The Wierd Friends (2014) film by Roberto Pérez Toledo

A group of friends reunited. But not an afternoon. Not just any place. They are in a cemetery. Sam has died. He killed himself. What is the relationship each had with Sam? You really do not know why Sam has committed suicide? Or Lying? Tell the truth? What if there is a guilty of his death? Or more?

gay film


Los amigos raros (2014)

61 min|Drama|31 Mar 2014
6.2Rating: 6.2 / 10 from 131 usersMetascore: N/A
A group of friends reunited. But not an afternoon. Not just any place. They are in a cemetery. Sam has died. He killed himself. What is the relationship each had with Sam? You really do not know why Sam has committed suicide? Or Lying? Tell the truth? What if there is a guilty of his death? Or more?


A group of youg people. in cemetery. memories, confessions, details, facts – all parts of a portrait. a special portrait. like the friendship as link between so different people. in many scenes – the feeling to see a documentary. in essence, a piicture discovering, step by step, its colors. a beautiful film. bitter and, in special manner, hopeful. because it is poetic and realistic and obscure and honest and cruel and precise and bizarre and about its public. a film about life. starting from a death. and the traits of a young man. reflected by the words of his friends.