A hybrid documentary about two estranged trans men who used to date in middle school reconnecting over a long weekend to develop a film about their past.
Across, Beyond, and Over (2019)
A hybrid documentary about two trans men, who used to date in middle school, reconnecting 10 years later to develop a narrative film about their past. Brit Fryer and Noah Schamus direct “Across, Beyond, and Over,” a film made with warmth and vulnerability about the creative process and revisiting past selves.
Beginning to write a narrative film based on his first relationship, Fryer has the idea to reach out to Ryan, the real-life inspiration. They spend a couple days together, writing and developing material, re-creating scenes, looking at old photographs, and comparing memories (they have completely different interpretations of why they broke up, for instance). It’s a fascinating dive into perceptions of the young, and the recontextualization that occurs later in life.
Fryer and Ryan Larrabee star, and carry the film with their gentle, open-hearted chemistry. -KA. [Watch on NoBudge 2]. (12 minutes).
Co-Directors: Brit Fryer and Noah Schamus. Camera: Lucas Gonzalez and Easton Carter Angle. Editor: Noah Schamus. Producer: Sean Weiner. Starring: Ryan Larrabee and Brit Fryer.