The story of two young Bahamian men who fall in love with each other and portrays the homophobia of the Bahamian society.
Children of God (2010)
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In the category where almost every movie ends with a suicide or a killing (if its not a comedy),this movie is no different!But it however is a better one! The story revolves around a 20-something white Bahamian gay guy named Johnny (Johnny Ferro),who along with suffering from not being able to accept who he is also faces other problems,no acceptance from the society for instance.He is sent off to an island for an art project by his teacher who believes a journey can help improve his grades,and also help him,where he meets a cute guy named Romeo (Stephen Tyrone Williams),who wants to help him in his art project and after a rough start they finally hit off.After spending some intimate time together,it is revealed that Romeo is a closeted gay guy,and ends up insulting Johnny in front of his girlfriend bringing things to an end. Meanwhile,a hypocrite gay priest’s wife,Lena,tries to pass a legislation in the parliament against gay rights,played by Margaret Laurena Kemp,who is also abused by her closeted husband. Further along the road,Romeo stands up for himself in front of his family and realizes he was wrong to Johnny.The story ends with the murder of Johnny,who is on his way to meet Romeo,by being stabbed by a bully.
The overall production is above average,and the only acting worth mentioning would be of Johnny Ferro’s.The movie depicts what is going on in most parts of the world and how most of the times,the victims end up being losers.It does leave you thinking to say the least.The movie does get slow in between and you just want to get things going,but it does hold you at the same time.
I would recommend this!