Director: Christopher Banks
Genre: Short movie
Country: New Zealand
Year: 2010
Runtime: 20 min
Stars: Rudi Vodanovich, Alexander Campbell and Richard Lambeth
Jakov je ortodoksni jevrej, student koji pokušava da uskladi svoja religiozna osjećanja sa svojom seksualnom orjentacijom. U tome mu pomaže njegov mentor Andrew koji ga u dugim razgovorima oslobađa te tjeskobe, ali i izaziva posebna osjećanja prema njemu koja se pretvore u istinsku ljubav. Sa druge strane Andrew je u nekoj prolaznoj vezi sa drskim Charlsom koji ne može da se pomiri da je njegov odnos sa Andrewom osuđen na propast.
Tužna strana ove priče, kojom i počinje ovaj film je da je Andrew koji je poginuo nesretnim slučajem, svu svoju imovinu ostavio Jakovu. Sve u toj kući budi sjećanja kod momka koji je prve istinske ljubavne emocije doživio uz pomoć svog mentora.
Film je sjajno urađen , al će predstavljati problem gledaocima kojima Australijski engleski ne leži najbolje.
A somber, deeply emotional drama centering on Jacob, a young Jewish student, who owing to his own fears and anxieties, lets slip away his chance at true love with Andrew, one of his former professors. Upon learning of Andrew’s death, Jacob, heir to his estate, struggles to reconcile his grief and regrets. The history between them is revealed piecemeal in flashback. Jacob was a shy but endearing student and understandably smitten with his former mentor. Andrew, while much older, is distinguished and projects an unpretentious worldliness that any man would be drawn to. And that in part fuels Jacob’s insecurities. To him someone like Andrew could do so much better. What can he offer such an amazing man? The scenes are handled with conviction and a delicate sensibility that allows the audience to understand Jacob and feel empathy for him. The film owes much to the fine performances of the leads. ?Rudy Vodanovich demonstrates great range and depth as Jacob. Alexander Campbell as Andrew makes his character very accessible with a strong, low key charisma. There is an effortless chemistry between these 2 actors.