Many gays wish they had a magic wand that would turn every str8 guy they see into a fag. Even if they fall in love with them, it’s a fairy tale!
Have you thought about what would happen if it were the other way around? That you, a proud gay man, will be turned into a heterosexual by some str8 character. With some magic wand to beat you and you will fall in love with your kitty overnight!
You find a beautiful woman and walk her around the city, and when you meet an ex-fucker, you just call him on the way.
Although I personally do not believe that people are 100% straight or 100% gay. We all wander somewhere on that sexometer scale.
I know many people who shout “Fuck me, fuck me…” while you are having fun, but when they go home to their wives, they are happy that despite everything they are still str8.
In this movie, they invented a pill in the laboratory that turns you into a straighter when you take it. Quite simply, when you drink it, the very next day you throw away your colorful, loud rags and become “normal” people who hang out only with women.
And what happens next, see in this low-budget comedy.