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Holiday Camp (2010)
“En colo” (original title)


Director: Pascal-Alex Vincent
Writer: Guillaume Nail (original idea)
Genre: Short movie
Country: France
Language: French
Duration: 8 min
Year: 2013



Stars: Emylou Brunet, Laura Boujenah, CĂ´me Levin



Zabrinuti zbog alarmantne suicidalne stope kod tinejÄ‘Ĺľera gay populacije, INPES u suradnji sa francuskim Ministarstvom zdravstva i sporta uz sudjelovanje televizijske stanice Canal+ pokrenuo je projekat pod nazivom “Mladi i gay u oÄŤima drugih”. Rezultat je bio pet kratkih filmova protiv homofobije. U tom projektu je nastao i ovaj kratki film pod nazivom En Colo. Kratka priÄŤa o introvertnom mladiću Maksimu koji se u igri “istina ili Izazov” morao poljubiti sa popularnim momkom iz škole i za nijansu se zanio u tome. Da li to znaÄŤi da je gay?
U ljetnem kampu je sve moguće, ali da li je sve tako očigledno kao što bi pomislili? Ponekad nas stereotipi ograničavaju da vidimo ono što se dešava ispred nas. Emocije ma kakve bile često ostaju skrivene jer najčešće ne želimo da ih vidimo.
Uz pomoć učitelja iz kampa grupa prijatelja će zasigurno odbaciti stereotipe o gejevima i na jedan nenametljiv način prihvatiti prijateljstvo koje ne zavisi od seksualne orjentacaije.

Film me je podsjetio na jednog prijatelja koji se definitivno nije uklapao u stereotipe o gej populaciji, bar ne na prvi pogled. Na žalost bez obzira što je gej bio je odbačen od mnogih prijatelja ne zato što se noću jebavao sa muškarcima već zato što je bio peder u karakternom smislu.


Nice and to the point
20 December 2010 | by sandover (Greece) – IMDB

1Even with a nugget of a plot that runs also like a well-tuned mechanism of clichĂ©s, this short strikes home. It’s summer, it’s camping, it’s adolescence playing “Truth or Dare?” As everybody remembers the perennial dare and kiss a same-sexed (uneasy) friend is acted-out. Some insistence on the kiss attracts the expected stupid comments of adolescence starting out. But with the intervention of the superintendent more than three and in less than six minutes admit their sexuality, as summer heads back home. This little short, intended as part of a collection against homophobia, addresses mostly adolescents, and with the axis put upon the mostly effeminate image one expects from gayness, to the detriment, actually, of “virile” boys at a loss to admit their feelings. Thankfully, in this short the boy that expresses his not-so-repressed feelings, does not pass through an ugly scene of the usual bullying. This role is quasi-reserved for a girl; but instead of exemplifying any sense of misogyny, Vincent, the director, shows with a keen sense the antagonism between adolescents in just three strokes, an antagonism more fully depicted to excellent results in his sulfurous pastoral “Give me your hand”.

En colo (2010)

  • Runtime:8 minutes

  • Actors:
    Emylou Brunet
    Laura Boujenah
    CĂ´me Levin
    Axel Wursten
    Paul Perles
    Alexis Michalik

  • Plot:

    At a meeting of the game “Truth or Dare?” two young boys, Matthew and Maximus, are challenging to embrace. The kiss will cause them some excitement. From that time, teens who witnessed this scene are allusions more or less directly to the possible homosexuality of Maxim. A revelation will then destabilize the group.

    Written by

  • Also known as: En colo ((original title)), Holiday Camp (World-wide (English title)),

  • Rating: (84 votes)


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