Home » Short film » False Negative (2016) by Dario Lauritano


23 min|Short, Drama| 2016
N/ARating: N/AMetascore: N/A
Luca is a shy and insecure guy and is hard to get along with. He has a problem with gay people: he is always very uncomfortable with them. One night, in spite of himself, he will have to face the problem and confront once and for all with himself.
In order to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, two brothers can only count on each other: K, the eldest, is impulsive and physical while R is more thoughtful and, despite the world he lives in, not inclined to violence. They work as a team until K gets seriously ill. R is confused, angry and scared but can not express these feelings openly. All the ways he tries to help his brother turn out to be wrong.
There is a terrible truth that R is trying to not see, something K has already seen. Will R be up to what is next for him?

Director Biographical note:
Dario Lauritano is born in 1994. He studied at the faculty of letters and philosophy at Roma Tre, section DAMS (Art, Music and Entertainment). Always passionate about art and cinema, he began to cooperate with his university classmates to create new projects, shortmovies and videoexperiments. He has written and directed his first feature short film, False Negative, between 2015 and 2016. The shortfilm was screened at the 2016 “Roma Tre Film Festival” in Rome and “Equality Festival” in Kiev. In 2017 he completed his latest work, shortmovie “Erre”.