Home » Comedy » Formula 17 (2004)

formulaFormula 17 (2004)


Director: Yin-jung Chen
Writer: Rady Fu
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Country: Taiwan
Language: Mandarin | English
Year: 2004
Duration: 93 min

Stars: Tony Yang, Duncan Lai and Chin King








Formula-17-starring-Tony-Yang-and-Duncan-Lai-19The runaway smash hit comedy from Taiwan, ‘Formula 17′ is revolutionary in its honest, touching, and hilarious depiction of Taiwanese gay teen life.

The film chronicles the life of Tien (Tony Yang), an innocent 17-year old boy who goes to the big city to meet an internet friend face-to-face. Being a romantic, and believing in ‘true love’ — he even has a book called Love Is A Kind Of Faith — he is sorely disappointed when his friend suggests they have sex with no love. Tien instead goes to a bar and locks eyes with the irresistible and irredeemable Bai (Duncan Lai), rumored to be the biggest playboy known to mankind. Tien’s friends all warn him away, telling him Bai is a notorious player who is sure to leave him with a broken heart. However, the fates keep bringing Tien and Bai together, and in time they end up spending the night. True to form, Bai abandons Tien the next day, and soon Tien’s pals begin hatching a scheme to get Bai back in Tien’s arms for the sake of his happiness.










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