Gerontofilija je naziv za seksualnu sklonost prema osobama starije Ĺľivotne dobi. Neki je autori smatraju parafilijom, dok drugi smatraju da je rijeÄŤ o pojavi koja se moĹľe definirati kao svaka sklonost prema seksualnoj osobi starijoj od sebe.
(izv. Wikipedia)
Seksualna sklonost prema starim osobama je sama po sebi izopačenost kao što se tretira i pedofilija. Ukoliko je seksualni čin izvršen prema nemoćnoj osobi, na silu i bez slobodne volje i rasuđivanja stare osobe, podliježe krivičnom zakonu i kao takvo se tretira kao kriminalni čin.
Naprosto sam osjetio potrbu da napišem ovo jer se u javnosti gerontofilija rijetko spominje.
Iako nisam nešto mnogo upućen u sve to mislim da treba praviti razliku između starije osobe koja može svjesno da donosi odluke u vezi dobrovoljnog stupanja u seksualni odnos i osobe koja to nije u stanju.
Najstrašniji zločin je zloupotrijebiti staru osobu i potrebno je ljude koje to rade sankcionisati izuzetno strogo.
Medjutim u ovom filmu se ne radi o tome iako sam naziv aludira na zloÄŤin.
Lake je neobičan mladić, izgledom mlad, no stare duše, koji otkriva svoju neobičnu fiksaciju na starije osobe. Shvaćajući da će i sam jednog dana, ako sudbina dopusti, biti starac, Lake postaje fasciniran starijim muškarcima. Njihovu dob doživljava kao nešto prelijepo i razmišlja kako su i ti muškarci jednom bili mladi, poletni i privlačni kao što je on sada. Iako Lake ima djevojku svojih godina, Desiree, ponekad se pita je li njegova fiksacija na starije muškarce neprirodna i nezdrava – možda čak i seksualna. Tijekom ljeta započinje raditi kao ispomoć u staračkom domu te dolazi do otkrića da starije osobe smještene u domu bivaju drogirane lijekovima kako bi bile u katatoničnom stanju. U cijelom procesu otkrivanja istine sprijateljuje se s gospodinom Peabodyjem, koji očigledno još uvijek ima snage u sebi. Počinju graditi duboku povezanost. Gospodin Peabody šarmira Lakea svojim romantičnim pričama o svojoj mladosti i priznaje mu svoj san – želi vidjeti okean po posljednji put.
Film me je podsjetio na jednog momka kojeg sam upoznao prije nekih pola godina. Izgledom plijeni pažnju ljudi, izuzetno je šramanran i zgodan. Iako za sebe kaže da je više str8 nego bi, uočljivo je da mu se jako dopadaju stari ljudi.
Kako se aktivno bavi sportom izgleda kao momak sa naslovnih strana ÄŤasopisa i kao takav sam siguran da bi bio sjajan fotomodel.
Omiljen u mjestu u kojem živi, dečko koji je osvojio i slomio mnoga ženska srca, dobar učenik u školi, uzoran prijatelj i dobar momak su opisi koji ga krase kada se on pominje.
Jednom prilikom je preko nednog dateing sajta upoznao čovjeka koji ima 65 godina. Kako živi u drugom mjestu, momak o kojem pričam je pobjegao od kuće i otišao kod njega. Zatekao je starog čovjeka koji već 30 godina živi sa partnerom.
Dvoje iživljenih staraca kada su vidjeli kako im se nudi lijep i izuzetno zgodan momak, odluče da ga udome kod njih. Raspaljeni u seksualnom smisli koristili su ga kao igračku, a svoje bahanalije su dopunjavali nevjerovatnom količinom alkohola. Naravno i momak se napijao svakodnevno sve dok nije došao u stanje da ne razaznaje realnost i pri svemu tome se zaljubio u jednog od njih. Stari u kojeg se momak bio zaljubio nije krio da mu ljubav takvog momka hrani taštinu i čini ga srećnim u njegovom trećem dobu.
Vremenom je momak sve više pravio probleme kada se napije te su ga jednog dana dvojica staraca izbacili iz kuće.
Momak se vratio u svoje mjesto , ali više nije bio isti. Napijao se do iznemoglosti te mu je sposobnost rasuđivanja toliko poremećena da je potrebna liječnička pomoć. Njegovu opsesivnu ljubav prema starcu nije više bio u stanju da krije ni u porodici niti među prijateljima.
Roditelji nisu na vrijeme uvidjeli u kakvom im je stanju sin jer se ovaj bavio i dalje sportom i svojim izgledom niÄŤim nije odavao da je bolestan.
Kako će se završiti njegova sudbina ne znam, ali slutim da neće na dobro sve to izaći.
18-year-old Lake has a sweet activist girlfriend, but one day discovers he has an unusual attraction for the elderly. Fate conspires to land him a summer job at a nursing home where he develops a tender relationship with Mr. Peabody. Discovering that the patients are being overmedicated to make them easier to manage, Lake decides to wean Mr. Peabody off this medication and help him escape, resulting in a humorous and heartfelt road trip that strengthens their bond.The always provocative Bruce LaBruce is back with a new romantic comedy (of sorts).
It’s extremely moving when a great director shifts gears, makes a U-turn and astonishes you, overturning all your expectations. Bruce LaBruce shocked the world with his tales of an outbreak of gay zombies, and now he is sure to take a poke at the hypocrisy of the moral majority with this hard-hitting yet sentimental, naughty yet poignant love story and (emotional and sexual) coming-of-age tale. The old geezer and the young lad, played by the charismatic Walter Borden and the very green yet sexy Pier-Gabriel Lajoie, are simply irresistible, and can’t resist each other, in fact, but this is no gay version of Harold and Maude. It’s the emotional, philosophical and aesthetic cross-section of those who love bodies that are different, elegant and decadent, and love them with the normal seductiveness of a teenager and not (just) the lyricism of a lovestruck rebel. One may be 82 and the other 18, but these are no tragic Romeos, just men, thirsting for love, hungry for life, and two sides of the same coin, naturally. Like their kisses in the car, which move you to the core.
— Boris Sollazzo for Venice Days —
Lake is an unusual boy: he is a young man with an old soul who discovers he has an odd fixation on the elderly. Realizing that some day, if fate allows, he will be one himself, he is particularly fascinated by old men. He imagines their age to be a beautiful thing and recognizes how these men were once young and vibrant and attractive, as he is now. Although Lake has a girlfriend his own age, named Desiree, he wonders sometimes if his fixation on old men is unnatural and unhealthy – perhaps even sexual. When his mother, who is a nurse, takes on a management job at an old folks home, Lake jumps at her offer of a summer job as an orderly there. Gradually, Lake comes to discover that the old people in the institution are being given psychotropic drugs to keep them in a catatonic state. Lake befriends one old man in particular, Mr. Peabody, who still seems to have some fight left in him.
They begin to form a strong bond. Mr. Peabody charms Lake with romantic stories of his youth and confesses his dream of seeing the ocean one last time. Avoiding the vigilant eye of Nurse Stone, who administers shots and pills to the old folks, Lake starts to wean Mr. Peabody off his medication. Eventually, Lake springs Mr. Peabody from the institution. Together they embark on a road trip telling everyone they meet that the old man is his grandfather and that they’re driving to the Pacific ocean. After numerous life-changing escapades, Lake is finally ready to accept his true feelings for Mr. Peabody, but everything changes when the trip takes a sudden turn.
Lake is an unusual boy: he is a young man with an old soul who discovers he has an odd fixation on the elderly. Realizing that some day, if fate allows, he will be one himself, he is particularly fascinated by old men. He imagines their age to be a beautiful thing and recognizes how these men were once young and vibrant and attractive, as he is now. Although Lake has a girlfriend his own age, named Desiree, he wonders sometimes if his fixation on old men is unnatural and unhealthy – perhaps even sexual. When his mother, who is a nurse, takes on a management job at an old folks home, Lake jumps at her offer of a summer job as an orderly there. Gradually, Lake comes to discover that the old people in the institution are being given psychotropic drugs to keep them in a catatonic state. Lake befriends one old man in particular, Mr. Peabody, who still seems to have some fight left in him. They begin to form a strong bond. Mr. Peabody charms Lake with romantic stories of his youth and confesses his dream of seeing the ocean one last time. Avoiding the vigilant eye of Nurse Stone, who administers shots and pills to the old folks, Lake starts to wean Mr. Peabody off his medication. Eventually, Lake springs Mr. Peabody from the institution. Together they embark on a road trip telling everyone they meet that the old man is his grandfather and that they’re driving to the Pacific ocean. After numerous life-changing escapades, Lake is finally ready to accept his true feelings for Mr. Peabody, but everything changes when the trip takes a sudden turn.
An eighteen year old boy gets a summer job in a nursing home and develops a deep emotional attachment to an old man. Discovering that the old man, along with the other patients, is being over-medicated to make him easier to manage, the boy weans the old man of his medication and helps him escape, resulting in a road trip across the country.
Fei works illegally to support family, but they reject his lifestyle. Through Long, Fei finds hope, until encountering Xiaolai, his past love, who makes him confront his guilt.
Director: C.B. Yi
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