Steam: The Turkish Bath (1997
Director: Ferzan Ozpetek
Writers: Ferzan Ozpetek (story), Ferzan Ozpetek
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: Italy, Turkey
Language: Turkish, Italian
Duration:94 min
Stars: Alessandro Gassman, Francesca d’Aloja, Carlo Cecchi
Napisano: 06.04.2008.god
Ovaj film sam gledao prije jedno 5-6 godina u jednom od Beogradskih bioskopa. Onako potrošis sat i po vremena, nakon kojih više i ne razmišljaš o filmu koji si gledao. Nije loše napravljen, ali nema onog osijećaja isčekivanja u filmu. Sve se unaprijed predpostavi.
Onima koji nisu nikad bili u neko Tursko kupatilo preporučujem da odu u Gelert – Budimpešta ili odu u Istambul gdje još uvijek rade brojni hamami iz vremena osmanlijskog carstva!
Bračni par Fracesco i Marta žive u Rimu, uhodanom klotečinom i više brinu o svom poslu nego jedno o drugom. Francescu iznenada stigne pismo da je dobio naslijedstvo u Istambulu ( kuća i tursko kupatilo), te odluči da ode da vidi šta je to i da proda cijelokupnu nasleđenu imovinu.
Međutim kada stigne u Istambul, upoznaje se sa Osmanom, njegovom ženom i njihovim prelijepim sinom Mehmetom, kao i sa ćerkom Fusin.
Mehmet mu pokazuje hamam koji je izgrađen u vrijeme Osmanlijskog carstva, priča istoriju kupatila, objašnjava običaje..
Malo pomalo njih se dvojica zbližavaju i postaju sve intimniji. Marta dolazi u Istambul….
Francesco (Gassman) and his wife Marta (D’Aloja) run a successful interior design firm in Rome. But their marriage is on the rocks, with Marta, feeling neglected, secretly carrying on an affair with their mutual business partner, Paulo. With Francesco’s home life in a rut he receives notification that a forgotten aunt has died and left him some property in Istanbul. He decides to go to Turkey to sell the buildings. But upon his arrival in Turkey, Francesco discovers that what he has inherited is a dilapidated Hamam, a traditional Turkish bath, operated by Osman, his wife and their beautiful son Mehmet and daughter Fusun. He stumbled into a different Hamam the day before and was enchanted with the ancient sensuality of the place. Against his lawyer’s advice, he decides to remain and restore the ruined hamam to its original splendor. Francesco’s face seems to clear of anxiety and he becomes friendlier as he fits into the rhythm of the ancient city. He is also awakened to his homosexuality as he discovers his attraction and love in the person of Mehmet (Mehmet Gunsur). When his wife arrives to admit her infidelity, she finds in Francesco a totally changed man. Lushly photographed, the film successfully creates an exotic atmosphere which nurtures freedom and release. A sensuously delicious film.
- Director: Ferzan Ozpetek
- Writers:
Ferzan OzpetekFerzan OzpetekStefano TummoliniAldo Sambrell
Countries:Italy, Turkey, Spain
- Genres:Drama, Romance
- Runtime:94 minutes
- Actors:
FrancescoAlessandro GassmanMartaFrancesca d’AlojaOscarCarlo CecchiOsmanHalil ErgünPerranSerif SezerMehmetMehmet GünsürFusunBasak KöklükayaPaoloAlberto MolinariZozoZozo ToledoVoice of Aunt Anita (voice)Ludovica Modugno
- Languages:Turkish, Italian
- Plot: Francesco and Marta are husband and wife running a small design company in Rome. When Francesco’s long forgotten Aunt Anita dies in Istanbul, he travels there to look after the sale of the hamam (one of a few traditional Turkish baths left) he inherited. There he meets the family running the hamam, gets attracted to a member of it and the whole Turkish atmosphere and decides not to sell the hamam.. Written by Anonymous
- Also known as: A törökfürdő (Hungary), Baia turceasca (Romania), Det turkiska badet (Sweden), El baño turco (Hamam) (Argentina), Hamam – Das türkische Bad (Germany), Hamam – O Banho Turco (Portugal – imdb display title), Hamam – turkkilainen kylpylä (Finland), Hamam: The Turkish Bath (UK), Hamam: det tyrkiske badet (Norway), Hamam: el baño turco (Spain), Hammam, le bain turc (France), Il bagno turco (Italy), Steam: The Turkish Bath (USA), The Turkish Bath: Hamam ( – undefined), The Turkish Baths (USA),
- Rating:
(3,645 votes)