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Kinsey (2004)


Director: Bill Condon
Scenario: Bill Condon
Genre: Biography, Drama
Country: USA, Germany
Year: 2004
Duration: 118 min

Actors: Liam Neeson, Laura Linney, Chris O’Donnell, Peter Sarsgaard, Timothy Hutton, John Lithgow, Tim Curry, Oliver Platt, Dylan Baker, Julianne Nicholson, William Sadler, John McMartin, Veronica Cartwright, Kathleen Chalfant, Heather Goldenhersh




Gledajući ovaj film , zapitao sam se kako nikom ne padne na pamet da dio istraživanja Dr. Kinsey-a prezentuje po školama. Da se to uradilo ranije možda u srbiji nebi sada bilo toliko gadnih polemika u vezi zakona o diskriminaciji! Možda da neko pošalje predlog RTS-u da pusti ovaj film!

Raznolikost ljudske seksualnosti nije lako metodološki grupisati i klasifikovati. Koliko ljudi toliko želja i potreba. Problem nastaje kada većina ljudi želi da pripada jednoj grupi, onoj većinskoj. U toj želji čovjek je u stanju zanemariti sopstvene potrebe, žudnje, želje, seksualnost. Primjer mnogobrojnih pedera koji su se oženili samo da bi se uklopili u društvo je čest i dan danas!

MoĹľda je Kinsey malo pretjerao sa tim silnim mjerenjima. Naravno da je seksualno ponašanje kod ljudi bitno posmatrati i sa istraĹľivaÄŤkog, nauÄŤnog gledišta ali nije sve ni u tome ko je koliko str8, bisex ili gay. Koliki procenat ljudi ima kurac duĹľi od 18 cm, deblji od 12, koliko ih je obrezano, koliko ih je spavalo sa muškarcima, koliko sa Ĺľenama, a koliko i sa jednim i sa drugim, koliko ljudi upraĹľnjava analni sex, oralni sex, masturbaciju…
Te silne statistike su se od vremena Kinseya do danas sigurno promjenile, jer je sloboda izražavanje i ispoljavanja seksualnih želja danas veća nego u njegovo doba.

Ono što je sigurno je da niko nije niti može pronaći mjerenja za emocije. Emocije su ono što pokreće čovjeka, a ne seksualni izražaj! Sigurno je da svaki muškarac poželi da ima seksualno iskustvo više, bez obzira da li voli nekoga ili ne. Naprosto radoznalost je u ljudskoj prirodi. Zato mislim da su oni gay parovi koji insistiraju na vjernosti unaprijed osuđeni na propast. Ono što ih može odžati je iskrenost i povjerenje. Želja da jedan drugome sve povjere, pa i one najskrivenije želje od kojih se možda i stide. Svi mi imamo ponešto u glavi što i nas same umije da iznenadi!
Ne mogu reći: Volite se ljudi , a jebite skim stignete, ali sigurno je da ukoliko nađete balans između emocija i seksalnosti uspjećete da održite vezu sa voljenom osobom!

Kvalitet veze između dvije osobe je po meni usko vezan sa mogućnošću da budete otvoreni i iskreni u njoj! Možete li bez uvijanja reći svom partneru: Sinoć sa poželio da uhvatim jednog zgodnog momka za kitu i popušim je!? Ili: Na službenom putu sam imao avanturu sa jednim odličnim likom. Nikad mi se nije desilo da nekog držim za kitu dok piša. Oćeš li da te upoznam sa njim! Želja mije da imamo trojku!?
Iskrenost i nesputanost samo pojačava emocije prema voljenoj osobi. Na kraju krajeva koliko ljudi imate oko sebe kojima možete reći sve, ama baš sve!


The life story of Alfred Kinsey, a man driven to uncover the most private secrets of the nation, and journey into the mystery of human behavior. In 1948, Kinsey irrevocably changed American culture and created a media sensation with his book “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.” Using the technique of his own famous sex interviews, the story recounts the scientist’sextraordinary journey from obscurity to global fame. Rebelling against the rigid piety of his home life, and drawn to the world of the senses, Kinsey becomes a Harvard-educated zoologistspecializing in the study of gall wasps.

After being hired to teach biology at Indiana University, Kinsey meets and marries a witty,free-thinking female student, Clara McMillen. In the course of his teaching, he discovers an astonishing dearth of scientific data on sexual behavior. When students seek him out for advice about sexual concerns and problems, he realizes that no one has done the clinical research that would yield reliable answers to their questions. Inspired to explore the emotionally charged subject of sex from a strictly scientific point of view, Kinsey recruits a team of researchers, including Clyde Martin, Wardell Pomeroy and Paul Gebhard. Over time they refine an interviewing technique which helps people to break through shame, fear, and guilt and speak freely about their sexual histories. When Kinsey publishes his Male study in 1948, the press compares the impact to that of the atom bomb. But as the country enters the more paranoid Cold War era of the 1950s, Kinsey’s follow-up study on women is seen as an attack on basic American values. The ensuing outrage and scorn causes Kinsey’s benefactors to abandon him, just as his health begins to deteriorate. At the same time, the jealousies and acrimony caused by Kinsey’s attempt to create a private sexual utopia threaten to tear apart the research team and expose them to unwelcome scrutiny.

Alfred Kinsey
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alfred Charles Kinsey (June 23, 1894 – August 25, 1956), was an American biologist and professor of entomology and zoology, who in 1947 founded the Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction at Indiana University, now called the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction. Kinsey’s research on human sexuality profoundly influenced social and cultural values in the United States and many other countries.

Kinsey is generally regarded as the father of sexology, the systematic, scientific study of human sexuality. He initially became interested in the different forms of sexual practices around 1933, after discussing the topic extensively with a colleague, Robert Kroc. It is likely that Kinsey’s study of the variations in mating practices among gall wasps led him to wonder how widely varied sexual practices among humans were. During this work, he developed a scale measuring sexual orientation, now known as the Kinsey Scale which ranges from 0 to 6, where 0 is exclusively heterosexual and 6 is exclusively homosexual; a rating of 7, for asexual, was added later by Kinsey’s associates.

In 1935, Kinsey delivered a lecture to a faculty discussion group at Indiana University, his first public discussion of the topic, wherein he attacked the “widespread ignorance of sexual structure and physiology” and promoted his view that “delayed marriage” (that is, delayed sexual experience) was psychologically harmful. Kinsey obtained research funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, which enabled him to inquire into human sexual behavior.

His Kinsey Reports—starting with the publication of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male in 1948, followed in 1953 by Sexual Behavior in the Human Female—reached the top of bestseller lists and turned Kinsey into an instant celebrity, and are still among the best selling scientific books of all time.[citation needed] Articles about him appeared in magazines such as Time, Life, Look, and McCall’s. Kinsey’s reports, which led to a storm of controversy, are regarded by many as an enabler of the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Indiana University’s president Herman B Wells defended Kinsey’s research in what became a well-known test of academic freedom.

