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Gay short movies
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Home » Drama » Queer as Folk (2000)


Queer as Folk” (2000)

Director: Michael DeCarlo, John Fawcett
Scenario: Doug Guinan, Richard Kramer
Genre: Drama
Country: USA, Canada
Year: 2000
Duration: 55 min (83 episodes)


Actors: Michelle Clunie, Thea Gill, Gale Harold, Randy Harrison, Scott Lowell, Peter Paige, Hal Sparks, Sharon Gless, Robert Gant, Jack Wetherall





Poslijednjih nekoliko dana nisam našao neki film za koji bih bio posebno zainteresova.! Možda zbog povećanog stresa na poslu, ne znam tačno, ali ni do seksa mi nije bilo! Znači li to da volim da gledam filmove samo ako mi je i do seksa? Nadam se da nisam baš toliko mnogo prolupao! Sve u svemu neka dobra komedija ili neka srceparajuća španska drama bi mi dobro došla! Izgleda da sam upao u ” Žensku fazu”! Nadam se da ću ubrzo opet postati muško!
Dok sam lutao po netu tražeći nešto, a ni sam neznam šta je to, naiđem na nove linkove za Queer as folk. Pošto sam pogledao 1,2,3 i 5. sezonu skinem 4. i Bacim se na gledanje. Malo sam eksperimentisao da vidim kako google prevodi sa engleskog na naš jezik i slatko sam se nasmijao! Nekoliko fraza prevodi na poseban googleovski način. Na primjer:
– would you like to suck my dick? – želite sisati moj kurac?
– how yes no – kako da ne
Nisam znao da se pušenje kaže sisanje. U suštini ispravnije posisati nego popušiti, zar ne?


Četvrta sezona  Queer as Folka je prošla kao tubro folk. Vic je nakon kratkog vremena provedenog sa partnerom svog života umro od posledice srčanog udara. Debi je zaprošena od policajca. Michael i njegov partner Ben razmišljaju kako da davaju savjete svom usvojenom sinu koji je počeo da se zabavlja sa curom, kada nemaju baš iskustva sa ženama. Brian je operisao jedno jaje jer su mu ustanovili da ima rak! Da nebi bio jednojajni, ugradili su mu umjetno jaje , koje izgleda skoro kao pravo. Naravno nikome nije rekao da ide na operaciju. Svi su mislili da ide u Španiju na Ibizu. Čak i Justin.  Lezbijski pad dobija još jednu bebu! (umjetna oplodnja) , a Linda koja glumi tatu oprobava kitu jednog slikara.

[youtube id=”huRuYfeYsHA” align=”center” mode=”lazyload” aspect_ratio=”16:9″ maxwidth=”800″]

Ted prolazi kroz psiho fazu jer je na terapiji odvikavanja od droge. A Emet se upetljao u seks avanturu sa likom koji je naravno str8, a ubadanje u Emetovu guzu smatra zabavom. Ništa strašno da se Emet nije zaljubio u ubadača.
Naravno sve te priče su u ovoj sezoni ispričane sa puno misaonih imenica, dilema i životnih situacija koje su svakodnevnica prosječnog, gay, bi ili lezbijsko orijentirane osobe. Trebam li vam napomenuti da je sex u svim varijantama obavezan u svakoj epizodi?

Ostao mi je upečatljiv lik koji je str8 fudbaler, poznati igrač, omiljem među ženama koji je redovno ubadao Emeta kao dio zabave za njega i njegovu guzu. Lik ima super tijelo, jako dupe, jake noge, simpatičan je, al problem je što nemože da izgovori riječ sa H ( homo ) ili gay. Pa ko bi za njega uopšte rekao da može biti peder?! Uostalom nije se ljubio sa Emetom, samo ga je jebao!
Lik kao da je u seriju upao direkt sa balkana. Takvih sam podosta imao. Jedina greška kod pisca ove serije je što nije znao da kad “STR8” lik prvi put osjeti čari muškog seksa, emotivno potpuno poblentavi i u 99 % slučajeva se zaljubi. U 80% posto slučajeva zavoli da bude i pasivan ili bar to povremeno “proba”. Nakon raskida sa prvim, redovno nastavlja da se viđa po parkovima u koje uleti sa kapom na glavi povata se neđe u grmlju i biježi natrag kod žene. Danas je redovan posjetilac internet DATE sajtova.
A Emetova jedina greška je što je otišao na utakmicu da vidi svog miljenika kakav je na terenu! Čim se ugrozi diskrecija na bilo koji način, prekida se svaka romansa. Tako je to na balkanu, nevidim zašto je drugačije i bilo đe drugo!

[youtube id=”LUXRGJcU5KY” align=”center” mode=”lazyload” aspect_ratio=”16:9″ maxwidth=”800″]

The last few days I haven’t found any movie what be interesting for me. Perhaps due to the increased stress at work, I do not know exactly, but neither the sex I was not! Does this mean that I like to watch movies only if I’m in the mood for sex? I hope I’m not case for psihiatric hospitay yet! A good comedy or  heartbreaking Spanish drama for  me are welcome! It seems that I’, in “woman” mood. I hope I’ll be in “MAN” mood again.
During research “something” on the net and even I do not know what it is, I found new links for  Queer as Folk. As I looked at 1st,2nd,3rd and 5th seassons I decided watch  4th season.

The fourth seasson of Queer as Folk went as tubro folk. Vic, Debbie’s brother, after short time spent with he’s life partner died from the consequences of a heart attack. Policeman ask Debbie for marry. Michael and his partner Ben think  how advice his adopted son who began to play with a girl, they have not  experience with women. Brian has operated one ball because one sucker has found cancer! To avoid to be oneball man, doctors built him an artificial , which looks almost like natural. Of course no one has know for hes surgery. They thought he were tin Spain on islan Ibiza, Justin too.

Ted is going on teraphy group for drug rehabilitation. Emet has sex adventure with  “str8 man”! He’s “STR8” becouse sex with Emet is only for fun.
Of course all these stories are told in this season with a lot of dilemmas and life situations for any gay, bi or Lesbian-oriented person. Do you need to mention that the sex of all sizes required in each episode?

One character what I  “like”  is str8 footballer, famous players, loved among women who sometimes fuck Emets ass only for the fun, becouse Hes str8.  The character has a great body, great ass, strong legs, but the problem is that it can’t say word with letter  H (homo) or gay. And who would say that he can be a homosexual?  He just fuck Emet, not make love!
This character is in Queer as folk sdirectly from the Balkan. The only fault of the writer of this series is that he didn’t  know when “str8” man had first sex with other man and feel the magic of the male touch, in 99% he being in love,  In 80% ,after some time like to be to be bottom, or do that only for “test”, After breaking with first love,  regularly continues to be seen in gay parks in the dark, after sex he escape in womans bed. Today is a regular visitor on DATE internet sites.
Emet make one mistake. He went to the game to see hes favorite player is on the ground! As soon as they threaten the discretion in any way, all romance gonne. So this is the Balkans way , not different in any other country.

[youtube id=”SXrtNi3v41g” align=”center” mode=”lazyload” aspect_ratio=”16:9″ maxwidth=”800″]

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Queer as Folk (2005)
  • Runtime:47 minutes
  • Actors:
    Melanie Marcus (83 episodes, 2000-2005)
    Michelle Clunie
    Lindsay Peterson (83 episodes, 2000-2005)
    Thea Gill
    Brian Kinney (83 episodes, 2000-2005)
    Gale Harold
    Justin Taylor (83 episodes, 2000-2005)
    Randy Harrison
    Ted Schmidt (83 episodes, 2000-2005)
    Scott Lowell
    Emmett Honeycutt (83 episodes, 2000-2005)
    Peter Paige
    Michael Novotny (83 episodes, 2000-2005)
    Hal Sparks
    Debbie Novotny (79 episodes, 2000-2005)
    Sharon Gless
    Professor Ben Bruckner (55 episodes, 2002-2005)
    Robert Gant
    Vic Grassi (48 episodes, 2000-2004)
    Jack Wetherall
  • Plot: Based on the British series of the same name, Showtime’s ‘Queer as Folk’ presents the American version. Following the lives of five gay men in Pittsburgh, ‘Queer as Folk’ is a riveting drama full of sex, drugs, adventure, friendship and love. Although the creators of ‘Queer as Folk’ wanted to present an honest depiction of gay life, it is by no means a comprehensive depiction. In addition to the usual sexual escapades and relationships of the five friends, the show explores critical gay political and health issues. Written by Anna <[email protected]>
  • Also known as: “Queer as Folk” (Argentina), “Queer as Folk” (France), “Queer as Folk” (Germany), “Queer as Folk” (Japan – English title), “Queer as Folk” (Poland), “Близкие друзья” (Russia), “Älä kerro äidille 2” (Finland), “A fiúk a klubból” (Hungary), “Kuia azu fôku” (Japan), “Os Assumidos” (Brazil – cable TV title), “Q.A.F.” (USA – informal alternative title), “Queer as Folk USA” (UK),
  • Rating: (9,774 votes)




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