The Slap – Episode 8
Directors: Tony Ayres, Robert Connolly, Jessica Hobbs, Matt Saville
Writers: Emily Ballou, Alice Bell, Brendan Cowell, Kris Mrksa, Cate Shortland
Genre: Drama
TV Series, Episode 8
Country: Australia
Year: 2011
Richie – Blake Davis
Connie – Sophie Lowe
Hector – Jonathan Lapaglia
Richie je Australijiski tinedžer koji ima problema sa prihvatanjem svoje homoseksualnosti. Možda se to čini kao nešto što ne bi trebalo biti teško u Australijskom liberalnom i obrazovanom društvu ali ne zaboravimo da je svako društvo skrojeno po mjeri str8 čovjeka, ma kako savremeno bilo.
Epizida “Richie’s gay storyline” je dio australijske serije “The Slap” i ne bavi se samo gay ljudima. Ova epizoda je posveÄ‘ena gay tinedĹľerima sa jasnom porukom da treba da budu iskreni prema sebi i kao takve će ih svi prihvatiti.
Pogledajte jednu priÄŤu sa sretnim krajem. MoĹľda ovako jednoga dana bude i na balkanu.
U svakom slučaju svi zaslužujemo da budemo srećni, zar ne?
Richie is an Aussie teenager struggling to come to terms with his homosexuality; which is not helped any by the fact he has a huge crush on Hector, an older married man. His ‘coming out’ is a tortuous one at times, but eventually he finds love with a boy more his own age.
The Slap is a bold, provocative television drama series that forensically examines the mores and morality of contemporary middleclass life. Based on Christos Tsiolkas’ bestselling novel, this 8 –part drama series traces the shattering repercussions of a single event upon a group of family and friends.