“Turn It Around” is a heartwarming Dutch gay-themed short film directed by Niels Bourgonje. Set during a house party, the story follows fifteen-year-old Bram as he navigates his emerging feelings for Florian, a boy he meets at the gathering. Struggling to come to terms with his own sexuality, Bram faces the challenge of expressing his attraction while keeping his secret hidden from his friends. Through moments of teenage awkwardness and self-discovery, the film offers a relatable coming-of-age narrative.
“Turn It Around” (2017): A Heartwarming Dutch Gay Short Film
“Turn It Around” is a tender and relatable portrayal of a young boy’s journey of self-acceptance and coming out. Director Niels Bourgonje skillfully captures the nuances of teenage emotions, showcasing the anxieties, shyness, and hormones that are part of this transformative phase of life.
Valentijn Ave delivers a captivating performance as Bram, portraying his internal struggles and yearning for self-expression with depth and sincerity. One memorable scene is when Bram and Florian share a dance, wordlessly communicating their feelings for each other. It’s a poignant moment that beautifully captures the complexities of young love and desire.
The supporting cast, including Tonko Bossen as Bram’s best friend and Timo Dries as the endearingly geeky character, add layers to the story. Their interactions, such as Bram’s best friend’s understanding and supportive smile when Bram comes out, showcase the importance of acceptance and friendship.
Niels Bourgonje’s direction and editing shine throughout the film. The pacing keeps the audience engaged, effectively building tension and emotional resonance. Bourgonje masterfully balances intimate moments with broader narrative themes, creating a well-rounded and impactful story.
The film’s soundtrack, including the perfectly chosen end credit song “Dance Away,” complements the visuals and enhances the emotional impact. The music helps to convey the characters’ emotions and create a sense of connection with the audience.
While “Turn It Around” is a commendable short film, it does have limitations due to its duration. As a result, certain aspects of the story, such as character development or deeper exploration of themes, may feel slightly constrained. However, given the film’s length, it effectively captures the essence of Bram’s journey and delivers a satisfying narrative arc.
Comparing “Turn It Around” to other similar films in the genre or from the same director, it stands out for its sincerity and relatability. The film avoids falling into clichés and instead focuses on the genuine emotions and experiences of its characters. In contrast to some other coming-of-age stories, “Turn It Around” portrays the teenage experience with a refreshing simplicity and authenticity.
In conclusion, “Turn It Around” is a must-watch Dutch gay short film that beautifully depicts a young boy’s journey towards self-acceptance and coming out. With its tender performances, skillful direction, and relatable storytelling, the film resonates with audiences. While it may have some limitations due to its length, it successfully captures the emotions and challenges of adolescence. “Turn It Around” serves as a reminder of the power of love, acceptance, and the courage to embrace one’s true identity.
About Director:
Niels Bourgonje (1980) is an award winning short film and commercial director based in Amsterdam. Niels started out as an intern on the international feature film THE DEVILS DOUBLE which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. He graduated with the short thriller BURN, which was selected for several international filmfestivals winning numerous awards. His follow-up was the high intensity drama ORDER. In 2014 Niels directed PEACE AND QUIET, winning the 48 Hour Film Project. Shortly after, the black comedy won two awards at the Filmapalooza in Hollywood. In 2015 he made three short films back-to-back; NEIGHBOURS, DESERTED and BUDDY. BUDDY has been selected for more than sixty filmfestivals worldwide, including Palm Springs ShortFest. This year Niels will release two new short films: TURN IT AROUND and SKOGAFOSS.
Buddy (2015) gay short film by Niels Bourgonje
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