Violet Tendencies,” directed by Casper Andreas and written by Jesse Archer, takes audiences on a journey with the vibrant Violet (Mindy Cohn). In her quest for a lasting heterosexual relationship, she decides to distance herself from her beloved gay friends, setting the stage for a comedic and reflective exploration of love, friendship, and self-discovery in the heart of New York City.
Violet, played brilliantly by Mindy Cohn, finds herself at a crossroads, questioning whether her close ties with the gay community are impacting her chances at a stable romantic relationship. The film unfolds with humor, drama, and unexpected twists as Violet navigates the complexities of the dating scene while trying to redefine her social circle.
“Violet Tendencies” is a fantastic movie that rises above the standard in gay-related cinema. Casper Andreas and Jesse Archer deliver a well-written, humorous, and at times poignant script. Mindy Cohn shines in her starring role, supported by a talented cast, including Marcus Patrick, Samuel Whitten, and the multi-talented Casper Andreas. The film’s positive outlook, unexpected twists, and exploration of real issues make it a must-watch. “Violet Tendencies” is a gem that not only entertains but also resonates, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.