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XXY (2007)


Director: Lucía Puenzo
Writers: Lucía Puenzo (screenplay), Sergio Bizzio (short story “Cinismo”)
Genre: Drama
Country: Argentina
Language: Spain (  option: serbian subtitle)
Year: 2007

Duration: 86 min



Stars: Ricardo Darín, Valeria Bertuccelli and Germán Palacios






114fed24ecdb874b5c2194f000ecc67eNakon što mi je od jednog drugara stigao zahtjev za ovaj film, skinuo sam ga i pogledao. Vrlo neobična priča o jednom dječaku- djevojčici koja pred sobom ima dilemu koji pol da izabere. Film je zaista prepun nedoumuica i emocija.
Definitivno ga vrijedi pogledati, mada je za moj ukus dobar deo filma nekako prespor.
Interesantna je scena kada se Alex ( xxy) upušta u sex sa svojim drugom Alvarom kojeg na kraju pošteno izjebe. Strašno!
Lako je nama, bog nam dao kitu pa znamo što smo , a zamislite da imate i pičku i kitu? Mislim da bi mnogi pederi izabrali pičku! Ja se radije držim moga kurca.
Ovaj naizgled trivijalan film nam pokazuje složen odnos unutar porodice Alex-a i okoline, koji je kadkad prepun saosijećanja, a katkad postaje brutalan i surov. Radnja filma je smještena u Urugvaju, uglavnom farmerskoj zemlji, te sudeći po ovom filmu tradicionalistički način života se itekako odražava na živote onih koji nisu nama “slični”.
nteresantno je da ovakve slučajeve crkva ne osuđuje jer je po njima to dio božje volje i podržava operaciju u izabrani pol. Naravno kao i uvjek kada izaberete pol zabranjeno je imati emotivne i seksualne veze sa istim polom. Pa zar i to nije božja volja?

xxy2The psychological fallout from alternative sexualities is explored to subtle and penetrating effect in Lucia Puenzo’s “XXY,” a study of teen angst that’s grounded in more than simply nebulous emotion. Pic has more in common with standard child-parent conflict dramas than it would probably care to admit, but its sensitive treatment of an equally sensitive theme elevates it into something memorable. Only drawbacks are some clumsy symbolism and a slight tendency to be overly schematic. Plenty of fest exposure beckons for Puenzo’s debut movie in which, unusually, accomplishment matches ambition.

Along with her parents, marine biologist Kraken (Ricardo Darin) and Suli (Valeria Bertuchelli), teen Alex (Ines Efron) has left Argentina for Uruguay. Despite the title’s foreshadowing, we have to wait a while before discovering the reasons for the family’s move and Alex’s obviously alienated state: s/he’s a hermaphrodite.

Alex, having reached puberty, must decide about her future. But any decision is complicated by the arrival of family friends, plastic surgeon Ramiro (German Palacios), Erika (Carolina Pelereti), and their toothy son, Alvaro (Martin Piroyanski). No sooner have they arrived than Alex is proposing outright to Alvaro that they have sex together.

Meanwhile, Alex has broken the nose of local boy Vando (Luciano Nobile) for casting aspersions on his sexuality. After a grueling scene in which Alex is near-raped by a gang of Vando’s friends, Kraken jumps to Alex’s defense. When Alvaro finally takes Alex up on the offer of sex, they are caught in flagrante delicto by Kraken.

xxy3The split widens between the worlds of the adults, with their petty rivalries, and the kids, who are discovering themselves sexually (Alvaro is slowly realizing that he’s gay). It’s the kids, finally, who show greater flexibility in coming to terms with their identities.

All of this is communicated with the minimum of stylistic fuss — long shots in true New Argentine Cinema style, plenty of windy-beach atmospherics and dialogue that’s scant but emotion-rich (storyline proceeds through just a few intimate conversations). Technique is at its best during a lengthy nighttime beach scene in which Alex, Alvaro and Vando simply sit there for a couple of minutes, the air heavy with inexpressible emotions.

Perfs are fine, with Efron and Piroyanski in particular exploiting the subtleties of the script to gripping effect as their cat-and-mouse relationship develops. Efron’s ambiguous sexuality is never in doubt; Piroyaski evokes much sympathy.

Darin turns in a typically brooding perf as the father who wants the best for his child but is uncomfortable with the truth about Alex. Thesp shoulders one of pic’s key themes — how parents will claim to put their children’s interests first while hypocritically controlling their sex lives in accordance with their own fears and prejudices.

A couple of characters could have been shed without doing undue damage to either theme or plot: neither Ramiro nor Erika are able to punch their dramatic weight.

[jwplayer config=”Out-of-the-Box_600340″ mediaid=”8598″ plugins=captions captions.file=”https://orvel.me/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/XXY.srt”]


